
The Use and Industrial Importance of Virtual Databases

Dr V S Dhaka, Sonali Vyas

Virtualization refers to the abstraction of logical resources away from their underlying physical resources to improve agility and flexibility, reduce costs, and thus enhance business value. Virtualization allows a set of underutilized physical infrastructure components to be consolidated into a smaller number of better utilized devices, contributing to significant cost savings. Virtualization has taken the computing world by storm. Server virtualization was the front of the virtualization wave, but we are now seeing a strong push to virtualize storage and networks. While SQL databases are the most popular for addressing online transaction processing (OLTP) workloads, they are also the most challenging databases to virtualize because of the way they tightly link the processing and data on a single physical server.This document looks at the different approaches to database virtualization and the benefits each approach derives. It also looks to the future of database virtualization and which database architectures are ideally suited to be virtualized.

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