
Secure Data Storage using Decentralized Access Control with Anonymous Authentication Using Cloud

Mr.G.Lenin, Ms.B.Vanitha, Mrs.C.K.Vijayalakshmi

We propose a new decentralized access control scheme for secure data storage in clouds that supports anonymous Authentication. In the proposed scheme, the cloud verifies the authenticity of the series without knowing the user’s identity before storing data. Our scheme also has the added feature of access control in which only valid users are able to decrypt the stored information. The scheme prevents replay attacks and supports creation, modification, and reading data stored in the cloud. We also address user revocation. Moreover, our authentication and access control scheme is decentralized and robust, unlike other access control schemes designed for clouds which are centralized. The communication, computation, and storage overheads are comparable to centralized approaches. In this paper we implemented secure cloud storage by providing access to the files with the policy based file access using Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) scheme with RSA key public-private key combination. Private Key is the combination of the user’s credentials. So that high security will be achieved. Time based file Revocation scheme is used for file assured deletion. When the time limit of the file expired, the file will be automatically revoked and cannot be accessible to anyone in future. Manual Revocation also supported. Policy based file renewal is proposed. The Renewal can be done by providing the new key to the existing file, will remains the file until the new time limit reaches.