
Review of Attacks on MANETS

Gagandeep Kaur, Dr.Navdeep Kaur

Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is used most commonly all around the world, because it has the ability to communicate each other without any fixed network. Each mobile node can move freely in any direction and changes their links to other devices. Security is an essential part of ad hoc networks. Due to its dynamic topology, no centralized infrastructure, resource constraints and limited security it is vulnerable to various attacks Black hole and Gray hole attack is one of them. When the malicious node advertises itself as having the shortest path to the destination and falsely replies to the route requests and drops all receiving packets .In this paper various attacks on AODV routing protocol are discussed and reviewed. The basic aim is to study various attacks and there effects to network, so that we can predict the type of attack and recover from attack.

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