
Q Less QR Decomposition Based Signal Detection Scheme for MIMO System

P.S.Shibu, K.Ramudu

The main challenge of MIMO wireless communication system lies in the efficient implementation of detector. Spatial multiplexing is utilized in MIMO system to provide high transmission rate without allocating bandwidth and increasing transmitting power, which needs to separate the spatially multiplexed data stream at receiver. This paper presents a comprehensive study of the Bit Error Rate (BER) performance of 2-by-2 spatially multiplexed MIMO system incorporates with transmit diversity such as Space Time Block Code (STBC) and Space Frequency Block Code (SFBC) and signal detection techniques such as Zero Forcing (ZF), Minimum Mean Square error (MMSE) and Q-less QR decomposition under BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM digital modulation schemes. Bit error rate simulations shows that the Q-less QR decomposition based signal detection scheme results good performance over ZF and MMSE signal detection scheme.

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