
Performance Analysis for All- Optical Networks Using Wavelength Routing Methods in Different Topologies

Santhosh Kumar C, Piruthiviraj.P , Dr. Preeta Sharan

The problem of routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) is critically important for increasing the efficiency of wavelength-routed all optical networking. So performance analysis of RWA algorithm is required for different topologies so that we use topologies for specific application example: (two way video communications). To increase the link utilizations and to reduce call blockage, the topology comparison is important. Topologies used in this paper for checking the performance of RWA are random, ring, star, and tree. In this paper we used First-fit algorithm for assigning wavelength and Dijkstra’srouting algorithm for shortest path for different topologies. It is shown that, under dynamic arising of calls the star topology performs the best on blocking probability, and also call blocking ratio (CBR) is 7% and CPU time 0.5sec.Comparative analysis has been done for different topologies. Performance analysis has been done by considering various topologies for a dedicated network.

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