
Multi-Keyword Ranked Search and Dual Security on Cloud Data Using Homomorphic Encryption

Nikhitha K. Nair, Navin K.S

The developments in the field of cloud computing increased the efficiency of data owners to deliver information technology services, where various resources such as data and software packages, which are stored in private servers can be retrieved from the internet with the help of various web-based tools and applications instead of having a direct connection with the individual servers. While accessing or sharing information stored in the cloud, the main concern is to enhance the security of data. Different encryption techniques can be used to provide strict privacy requirements. Dual encrypting the data using Advanced Encryption Standard and Homomorphic Encryption scheme enables the data users to ensure the integrity of requested data. Multi-keyword ranked searching enables the data users for efficient retrieval of searched query. Also Identity-Protocol performs the role of user identity verification providing identity tokens to the verified data owners in order to outsource their data in the cloud.

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