
Hospital Costs of Immunopreventable Diseases in the Elderly in Brazil

Élide Sbardellotto M da Costa1*, Adriano Hyeda2, Eliane MCP Maluf2

Introduction: Immuno-preventable diseases are a public health reality in Brazil and worldwide. The main objective is to discriminate the hospitalizations associated with immuno-preventable diseases in Brazil and their care costs, within the Scope of the SUS, between 2008 and 2018, in the population over 60 years.

Methods: A population, observational, descriptive, retrospective study was conducted with secondary information from DATASUS.

Results: It was analyzed 457,479 hospitalizations; there were 112,104 hospitalizations (24.50% of all hospitalizations) in elderly over 60 years of age, totaled R$103,461,788.75 (26.58% of the total values). The trend analysis of the time series presented a stationary trend.

Conclusion: It was identified a necessity of increasing the immunization coverage in the population with 60 years and older for decrease the hospitalizations and their costs by immunopreventable diseases.