
Fractal Image Steganography Using Non Linear Model

G.Suryakala Eswari , N.Leelavathy, U.Sandhya Rani

The security of steganography system is improved by the scheme of steganography based on fractal images. Fractal image is a kind of non-linear graph. Fractal images can be easily generated using the non-linear model and computer graphics. But these images and their pattern depend upon initial conditions. In the proposed fractal image steganography, the secret information is inserted at the time of creation of fractal image by utilizing the initial parameters and the non-linear model. The fractal image that is generated at the sender side and receiver side are called as Cover-Image, and Stego-Image respectively. The receiver can extract secret information by comparing Stego-Image and Cover-Image with the same initial parameters. The effectiveness of steganography is amplified by combining it with cryptography and extending the non-linear model. So the security can be improved using RSA algorithm.

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