
Enhancing Security in MANET using Integral Component Cluster-Based Certificate Revocation with Vindication Capability

S.Herman Jeeva, K.Girija, S.Bellze Mary, D.Saravanan

Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs) is the open network environment where nodes can join and leave the network freely. Therefore, the wireless and dynamic natures of MANETs is not secure than the wired networks. To overcome this problem, the Cluster-based Certificate Revocation is proposed with Vindication Capability (CCRVC) scheme. Each cluster consists of a Cluster Head along with some Cluster Members (CMs) located within the transmission range of their cluster Head. Before nodes join the network, they have to acquire valid certificates from the Certification Authority (CA) that is responsible for distribution and management of certificates to all nodes. The CA is also responsible of updating two lists, Warning list and Black list, which are used to hold the accusing and accused nodes information, respectively. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme is effective and efficient to provide secure communication.

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