
Efficient Privacy Preservation Techniques for Maintaining HealthCare Records Using Big Data

S.Jegadeesan, S.Pooja, Vidhya.T

Efficient privacy preservation technique for health records is have been directed to big data processing for its high volume ,velocity challenges.Two level encryption is performed where cloud provider maintains first level encryption and second level encryption is controlled by patient server.we are using doubleencryption level to maintain the privacy of the patient in which the records are maintained in two tables it makes the privacy even more enhanced. We are using two algorithms which are linear congruential generator and Triple DES Algorithm. Linear congruential generator is done in the first level encryption which provides the encryption key. For index level table we use same key encryption which makes searching very easy. The index table consist of the basic information about the patient such as name, ssn no, age (i.e it consist the user searchable keywords).Big Data are now rapidly expanding in all science and engineering domains, including biological and biomedical sciences. In this re-identification is performed in which if the information is same, it will be stored in the buffer and the re-identification page will be opened in which the unique identification will be verified. If it is not the same it will be showed after the authentication is performed. The authentication will be performed based on some criteria. Once the authentication is matched the, a privacy key will be generated only then it will be able to taken from the database and it will bedecrypted and will be shown to the requestor.

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