
A Survey: FP Tree Algorithm with and Without Trusted Party for Environmentally Distributed Databases

Raghvendra Kumar, Ashish Jaiswal ,Divyarth Rai

Data mining technology has emerged as a means of Identifying patterns and trends from large quantities of data. Mining rule is important data mining problem .To solve mining rule problem many technique are available example Apriori, FP Tree. FP Tree Algorithm has wide distribution to find relationship between among the attribute in database. The privacy concept arises when the data is distributed in the environment, concept of privacy arises here so that no any unauthorized person not able to decrypt the data and see the result. For this we used hash based secure sum cryptography technique because when the party to find the global result may be that result is frequent or infrequent. That’s why privacy concept is arises with and without trusted party. In this paper we compare the result privacy preserving technique with and without trusted party for horizontal partitioned database with the help of FP Tree Algorithm. And provide high privacy to database with percentage of data leakage is zero percent.

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